Authorship Guidelines

Authorizing Body:

Office of the Dean


William Forbes, DDS

Date Issued:

September 14, 2017

Last Update:



This guideline applies to all students, 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院(OUWB), and applies to authorship on all submitted, published and presented works, including, but not limited to, manuscripts, abstracts and presentations.

Scope and Applicability:

All OUWB students, faculty members, and staff members.

Standard Practice Guideline:

In general, OUWB希望所有发表和展示的工作都包括根据既定设计收集和分析的经过验证的数据. With rare exception, it is not acceptable to submit an abstract or manuscript, 或仅根据计划的研究或行动进行演示. Authorship confers credit and has important academic, social, professional and financial implications. 作者身份还意味着对发表或展示的作品的责任和问责. 以下内容旨在帮助指导那些打算发表论文的个人,这些贡献者对一个项目做出了实质性的智力贡献,可能会导致一篇论文, abstract and/or presentation are given credit as authors, 同时,被认为是作者的贡献者理解他们对发表或呈现的信息的责任和责任.



  1. Who Is an Author?


  • Substantial contribution to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
  • Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  • Final approval of the version to be published; AND
  • 同意对工作的各个方面负责,确保与工作的任何部分的准确性或完整性有关的问题得到适当的调查和解决.

除了对他或她所做的部分工作负责之外, 作者应该能够确定哪些共同作者负责工作的其他部分. In addition, 作者应该对其共同作者的贡献的完整性有信心.

所有被指定为作者的人都应符合作者身份的所有四个标准, 所有符合这四个标准的人都应该被认定为作者. 那些不符合所有四个标准的人应该被承认为非作者贡献者-参见第2节. 这些作者资格标准旨在为那些值得赞扬并能够对工作负责的人保留作者资格. 所有符合第一个标准的个人都应该有机会参与审查, drafting, and final approval of the manuscript or presentation.

进行工作的个人共同负责确定谁符合作者资格的标准,理想情况下,在计划工作时应该这样做, 随着工作的进展进行适当的修改. 确定所有被命名为作者的人满足所有四个标准是作者的集体责任. 如果不能就谁有资格成为作者达成一致, the institution(s) where the work was performed should be asked to investigate; the Associate Dean for Research will perform this function at OUWB.

作者的顺序应该在任何研究开始时讨论. In general, 第一作者是整个项目的主要贡献者,经常撰写手稿/演示文稿的初稿. 资深作者,通常列在作者身份的最后,是团队中最成熟的成员. 通讯作者是对稿件/摘要提交期间的所有沟通承担主要责任的个人, peer review, and publication, 并且通常确保所有的管理要求, such as providing details of authorship, ethics committee approval, clinical trial registration documentation, and gathering conflict of interest forms and statements, are properly completed. 通讯作者应在投稿和同行评议过程中随时待命,及时回应编辑的疑问, 并应在出版后回复对作品的批评,并配合任何数据或额外信息的要求.

  1. Non-Author Contributors

贡献者是指少于所有4个作者标准的个人, they should not be listed as authors, but they may be acknowledged. Examples of activities that do not qualify a contributor for authorship are: acquisition of funding; general supervision of a research group or general administrative support; and writing assistance, technical editing, language editing, and proofreading. 那些贡献不能证明作者身份的人可能会得到承认, and their contributions should be specified (e.g.,“担任科学顾问”,“严格审查研究计划,编辑手稿”)。.

  1. 导师在提交、出版和展示作品中的作用

公开商学院的学生和工作人员必须为所有可能发表论文的研究聘请一名教师导师, abstracts and/or presentations. It is possible that these faculty mentors may not qualify for authorship according to ICMJE guidelines and this policy; however, 在项目开始之前,他们至少应该参与审查研究设计, 在提交或展示作品之前,他们需要批准一份证明文件.